‪(901) 451-9801‬ info@tenantbenefits.org

Keep your workforce healthy and productive…
The New Way
24-7telemedicine.com is your trusted partner to provide your employees access to medical care around the clock, saving you money, and keeping the workforce healthy. Employees can connect with a physician video for medical consultations whenever and wherever they need care

Benefits of Telemedicine to Employers

  • Improves access to healthcare for employees in remote locations
  • Reduces employer costs related to employee doctor’s office and ER visits
  • Instant access to doctors cuts down on missed work time related to minor health issues
  • Help prevent minor employee health isSues from becoming costly conditions
  • Safeguards employers against the “Cadilac Tax” related to high health plan premiums


24/7 Access for Employees
The American Medical Association notes that 70% of doctor’s visits can be handled by telephone.
24-7telemedicine.com gives your employees easy, streamlined access to board-certified doctors via phone, email, or video call 24/T.

There is no employer set-up fee to use 24-7telemedicine.com, and the service can be made available to part-time and contract workers as well as full-time employees.

Reduce absenteeism, improve productivity, and foster employee retention with

1-2 hours average wait time in ER waiting rooms
3 weeks average wait time to see a primary care physician
66% of ER visits are nonemergency